Monday, July 7, 2008

Monday, July 7th

Daily Bonus Songs (for your convenience i have added the artist, enter song title as bonus codes)

7am - New Kids On The Block: Summertime
11am - Madonna: Hung Up
4pm - Katy Perry: I Kissed A Girl
7pm - Gavin DeGraw: In Love With A Girl

Trivia Questions
1. Who are the hosts of "Home Heist"?
Answer: Colin and Justin
2. How many times a day can you hear Perez Hilton on 99.9 MIX FM?
Answer: 2
3. Which former boyfriend of Christina Applegate was recently found dead in his apartment?
Answer: Lee Grivas
4. What is the name of the new Will Smith movie?
5. Who is the host of "The Big 6@6" on 99.9 MIX FM?
Answer:Jimmy T

Newsletter code: Magazine (5,000 points)


Anonymous said...

As promised fellow bloggers, here are the answers so you can enter them when you wake up with your coffee!!

1)Who are the hosts of "Home Heist"? Colin and Justin

2)How many times a day can you hear Perez Hilton on 99.9 MIX FM? 2

3)Which former boyfriend of Christina Applegate was recently found dead in his apartment?
I'm stumped on this one and think the station made a mistake as the only DEAD person out of the 4 listed is Heath Ledger, yet when I put that one in,they said I was incorrect, so sorry guys, at least you know which one NOT to try, LOL!!!

4)What is the name of the new Will Smith movie? Hancock

5)Who is the host of "The Big 6@6" on 99.9 MIX FM? Jimmy T

If anyone can copy and paste proof that it was someone else from the list that dies, please do so on this blog and if not, I'll write my contact there and ask her about THERE mistake and have it rectified, okay?

See you on Thurday morning or before if anyone can get any bonus codes tomorrow please?

Thanks and have a great Monday!!

Anonymous said...

# 3 : Lee Grivas


Little Erky Perky said...


Thanks for the Trivia answers.
Original Question for #3)

Which former boyfriend of Christina Applegate was recently found dead in his apartment?

Choose Your Answer (1 try per user):
Heath Ledger
Christian Bale
Chris Tucker
Lee Grivas

Little Erky Perky said...

7 am - New Kids On The Block: Summertime

Anonymous said...

11: AM Madonna : Hung Up


Anonymous said...

Newsletter code: Magazine
5000 points

thanks everyone for the trivia answers and bonus song codes.


Betty Anne said...

4PM - Kate Perry Song:

I Kissed A Girl

Anonymous said...

Thanks, as I googled Lee Grivas and found out he died on July 1st, darn I wonder why it didn't show up last night when I checked!!

Anonymous said...

For those EZROCK'ers, the 5:20 bonus code was: spices

Have a great day everyone!!

Anonymous said...

7 PM : In Love With A Girl


Anonymous said...

Did anyone catch any bonus codes today by chance?