Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday, July 28th

Daily Bonus Songs (for your convenience i have added the artist, enter song title as bonus codes)

7am - Timbaland w/ One Republic: apologize
11am - Katy Perry: I kissed a girl
4pm - Alicia Keys: No one
7pm - Eurythmics: Sweet Dreams

Trivia Questions
1. Which star of "Indiana Jones" was recently arrested for a DUI?
Answer: Shia LaBeouf

2. According to Kella's blog, which book did she find that helps with cleaning tips?
Answer: Joey Green's FIX UP

3. Which actor stars in the new movie "The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor"?
Answer: Brendan Fraser

4. According to the Mad Dog & Billie show page, to whom did Planet Maurie speak with from The Jay Leno Show?
Answer: Ross The Intern

5. What is a "shitaki"?
Answer: mushroom

Newsletter Bonus Code: beach (5,000 points)


Anonymous said...

mummy: brendan frasier
shitaki: mushroom

:-) Kath

Unknown said...

Which star of "Indiana Jones" was recently arrested for a DUI? Shia LaBeouf

According to Kella's blog, which book did she find that helps with cleaning tips? Joey Green's FIX UP

Which actor stars in the new movie "The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor"? Brendan Fraser

According to the Mad Dog & Billie show page, to whom did Planet Maurie speak with from The Jay Leno Show? Ross The Intern

What is a "shitaki"? mushroom

Unknown said...

7:00am - apologize

Anonymous said...

what!! does mix fm not have something else more important to worry about than this ....

Anonymous said...

ha ha i agree! Anyways - do you know how many members 99 has?? How can they possibly monitor EVERY account....PUH LEEEZ!!!

Anonymous said...

And may I add...the songs are listed under the "recently played" section of the hard would it be for all of us who don't know about this site to just go look it up over there??? I mean sheesh are we all stupid or something?? According to our little tipster over there we are!

Anonymous said...

heres food for thought, something else to occupy your time, you seem to have some time on your hands...

what about starving children in africa, what about all the troops being killed at war, what about the homeless what about the people who are fighting the war against disease... how about rethinking what is important in life..

Unknown said...

Newsletter Bonus Code
beach - 5000 points

11am = I kissed a girl

Anonymous said...

i don't understand how what we're doing here is a criminal offence.

we're having an open forum discussion on information that is public knowledge.

Freedom of speech has to mean something...isn't there a freedom of information Act or something like that.

Bonus songs are posted on the website, newsletter codes are emailed to everyone, trivia answers ??? what's the problem with sharing the answers...

I don't get it ... Mix 999 get over it ... we're having fun ... you should be happy your listeners are working together and helping eachother out. Be grateful you have listeners and stop trying to find ways to punish are taking this far too seriously...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

4:00 pm - Alicia Keys - No one

Anonymous said...

Thanks again Tim, as I always say, you just beat me to it, when I go to give an answer!! Have yourself a good night!!

Little Erky Perky said...

Hey All,

I come back from work and what do I see? One Anonymous guy/gal seem to try and stir things up in here? Remarks are gone from that idiot and it seems like we have to monitor this Blog from idiots like that. Oh well, we'll see how things go. That being said;

7 pm - Eurythmics: Sweet Dreams

Little Erky Perky said...

Thank you all for today's codes.

Little Erky Perky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

little erky perky,

I agree with ALL your comments, what a day it's been and the same thing was posted on every blog site too (a lot of copying and pasting went on, LOL!!)

Thanks a lot everyone for the codes, have a great night to you too Tim!!