Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wednesday, January 28th

Daily Bonus Songs (for your convenience i have added the artist, enter song title as bonus codes)

7am - Taylor Swift: Love Story
11am - Divine Brown: Sunglasses
4pm - The Fray: You Found Me
7pm - Madonna: Jump


out of the blue said...

7am - Taylor Swift: Love Story

out of the blue said...

I saw this on the rewards page this morning:

Virgin Radio Rewards is Ending as of March 6, 2009.

Unknown said...

Wow, well, i guess it's time to use those points. Thanks to everyone who has posted here.

out of the blue said...

11am - Divine Brown: Sunglasses

ccolyy said...

out of the blue ... where did you see that. I could not find it anywhere????

ccolyy said...

out of the blue..... never mind, I just saw it. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

out of the blue said...

4pm - The Fray: You Found Me

Betty Anne said...

Thanks Out of the Blue for the message about the program ending

out of the blue said...

7pm - Madonna: Jump

KRB said...

Whoa! They are canceling the program? With barely only a month notice? And no indication of a replacement program?

What about those of us who regularly listen to the station (I have got WAY more codes listening to the radio than getting them on here)? And think about all the time in this program that we have invested in terms of entering codes, etc?

I am definitely complaining. They won't reconsider if listeners just placidly accept this. At the very least, they need a replacement and and extension of the program, plus some guarantee they will have some great prizes in the time before the y cancel it.

If you go to the home page, and to the Contact Us section, you can find the email address of the GM and the Marketing/Promotions Director.

I would STRONGLY urge everyone to complain as this is sort of a kick in the face to loyal listeners.