Thursday, September 4, 2008

Thursday, September 4th

Daily Bonus Songs (for your convenience i have added the artist, enter song title as bonus codes)

7am - Natasha Bedingfield: Pocketful of Sunshine
11am - Jesse McCartney: Leavin / leavin'
4pm - Lady GaGa: Just dance
7pm - Leona Lewis: Bleeding love

Trivia Questions
1. In the picture of "The Breakfast Show", who is grabbing Mad Dog's behind?
Answer: Planet Maurie
2. Which R&B singer is putting together a tour for women only?
Answer: Usher
3. Which baseball manager holds the record for most game ejections?
Answer: Bobby Cox
4. According to Jimmy T's bio, he was part of which US radio station?
Answer: Kiss 98.5
5. In which state does the Sundance Film Festival take place?
Answer: Utah


Little Erky Perky said...

Trivia Answers:
1. Answer: Planet Maurie
2. Answer: Usher
3. Answer: Bobby Cox
4. Answer: Kiss 98.5
5. Answer: Utah

Unknown said...

From last night.......

7pm song is - SUMMERLOVE

Unknown said...

7:00 am - Pocketful of Sunshine

Unknown said...

11am - Leavin & leavin'

Unknown said...

4 pm = just dance

Unknown said...

7pm = bleeding love

Little Erky Perky said...

Thanks Tim for the song today. Been busy working. All Bug no play...